Students, families and staff from Edmund A. Burns Elementary School along with Target Corp., volunteers and The Heart of America Foundation celebrated the unveiling of the school’s newly renovated library. As a result of the makeover process, the library at Edmund A. Burns Elementary School now features 2,000 new books, eco-friendly design elements, a complete technology upgrade, as well as new furniture, carpet and shelves. As part of the unveiling festivities, each student will receive 7 new books to add to their own at-home collections.
In addition to the remodeled library, the Edmund A. Burns Elementary School community will receive a Target Meals for Minds school-based food pantry, which was incorporated as part of the renovation process. The pantry will allow all students and their families to choose from a variety of staple foods and fresh produce to take home.

Each student will take home 22lbs of food each month.
If a families has 3 students attending Burns Elementary, then that family will receive 66lbs of food a month.
As part of the 2011 Target School Library Makeover season, Target will renovate a total of 42 school libraries nationwide. The Target School Library Makeover program is part of Target’s commitment to help more U.S. children read proficiently by the end of third grade. As a result of programs like this one, Target is on track to give $1 billion for education, with a focus on reading, by the end of 2015.
More photos:
Charleston County School District Superintendent Dr. Nancy McGinley addresses the students and attendees.
A volunteer from Target paints new artwork in the hallway of Burns Elementary School.
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